Designed for the lwb sprinter van for a rear double bed down the length of the van . WORK IN PROGRESS
Crafter/Man TGE 2017+ Tall Storage
EVO TALL FRIDGE CUPBOARD Thetford T2138 ( Edge banded sides )
Crafter/Man TGE 2017+ Seating Area
iLSE Rotating table leg + twin worktops tops + mito table rail
Crafter/Man TGE 2017+ Seating Area
Double seat frame forward facing Sprinter Crafter Ducato Boxer
DESIGN 1 -Sprinter Crafter
Rear door ply panels Sprinter 2006 to 2017 or Crafter 2006-2017
DESIGN 4 - Sprinter LWB
EVO V8 XL + OVEN – LARGE VANS Side door kitchen pod Extended